Первый раз в жизни мне захотелось стать телефоном...

На The Big Picture вывесили фотографии с чемпионата мира по футболу:

Soccer fans celebrate Paraguay making it to the next round of the World Cup, after watching a match against New Zealand on a big-screen television, in Asuncion, Paraguay on Thursday, June 24, 2010. Paraguay was held to a 0-0 draw by New Zealand in the match, but still won its World Cup group and moved into the round of 16. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

Самый первый комментарий безумно радует:

never before have i wanted to be a cell phone. i can honestly say that.

Первый раз в жизни мне захотелось стать телефоном. Честное слово.

Понимаю. Сочуствую. ;-)